Happy New Year!

I took some time during the holidays to step away from my normal routine. It felt good and I’m ready to get back to it.

Have you set your intentions, goals, resolutions for the new year?

I just finished my vision board and it’s a little different than most.

I hang my vision board on the wall in my office so I can see it whenever I am at my desk working. It reminds me of what I want to create in my life. It reminds me of who I am and how I want to show up every day.

I start the process of creating my vision for the new year by choosing a word for the year.

I sit in meditation and ask for a word that will help me grow. I close my eyes and feel into the word. I look forward to experiencing what it brings.

2024’s word was expansion.

In January, I hosted my first in person event, my beloved uncle lost a three-year battle with ALS, I visited my daughter in New Zealand. Not only was it a place I hadn’t been before, but my son went with me, and I got to spend time with the family that my daughter was working for.

In February started co-hosting a weekly zoom meeting with a dear friend. I learned so much about myself and others. I also did hair at an event called A Night to Shine. It was life changing for me.

In March I hosted my first personal retreat, spoke at a conference, and started a three-month mediumship course.

In April I gained another mentoring client.

In May I went on my granddaughter’s field trip and was training hard for my Camino Walk.

In July I went to the Omega Institute in New York to take an in-person mediumship class.

In August I spoke at several events and was continuing to train for my walk. I packed for my trip which was quite the challenge.

In September, after many months of preparation, I walked the Camino. It was life changing.

In October I had more speaking events, some virtual. Finalized plans for a speaking opportunity in Cancun which is coming up in February! Hosted another personal retreat. I met with a personal stylist.

In November I hosted Thanksgiving for my family.

In December I hosted Christmas gatherings, helped decorate and volunteered at the hospice house.

2024 was full of expansion. It was the perfect word for the year.

My word for 2025 is truth.

We’ll see how truth shows up for me this year.

I realized as I’m writing this that truth is showing up right now. I told myself that I didn’t do enough this year. As I’m writing this I am reminded of all the expansion I experienced, all the things that I did.

I am grateful.

If you’re local, join us January 18 from 10-12 for a workshop where you can create your vision for 2025. Get more details and register here.

When we change the world changes.

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