

Adaptability, the ability to adjust to different conditions or circumstances, can be a great quality – until it turns into people-pleasing.

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How’s your energy?

Where does your energy go?

If we get curious and honest about where we are using our energy, we can get to what is at the root of the burden we feel.

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We have been looking at ‘support’ in our Mastermind group and I realized some things about myself.

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What is your dream?

Photo Credit: Christian Feltmeyer Photography

We don’t know what experiences have the potential to be life-changing, so don’t let your fear hold you back.

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What are you afraid of?

What if what we’re feeling is really excitement, not fear? They feel the same in the pit of your stomach, so why not tell yourself it’s excitement?

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We all have a story.

What is your story? What have you learned about yourself in different chapters of your life? What could others learn from your experiences?

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Small Changes

I’m discovering that it’s the little things I do that cause ripple effects and create the most significant changes in me and my life.

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Patience is most definitely an admirable quality. It doesn’t come natural to all of us. We can however, practice patience.

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