Show yourself grace and compassion
Show yourself grace and compassion today, so that you can ripple it out to others.
Read MoreA prayer from The Four Agreements
We will always cause our own suffering when we think things should be different than they are.
Read MoreWho were you before the world told you who you should be?
Who I am is letting go of who I thought I should be and allowing myself to receive all the blessings that are meant for me.
Read MoreWhat do you need to let go of?
Take some time this week to journal about your feelings around these questions.
Read MoreFocus on what you can control
Make love a priority for yourself and others and lead with your heart.
Read MoreWhat you’re afraid of controls you
When we become accountable, we take our power back from fear and live the life we were meant to live.
Read MoreIf this was my last day to be here…
It’s more important now than ever to be mindful of where we put our attention and energy.
Read MoreGive your energy to what you want to see
Staying centered comes through practice, consistency, and commitment.
Read MoreMore lessons from my Camino
I’ve learned that I can choose to do difficult things and that it gives me a great sense of accomplishment to put in the effort and not let fear hold me back.
Read MoreAfter My Camino
Being present mind, body, spirit, and emotion was one of my biggest lessons of the Camino.
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