
What if now is the time to do something you never thought you could do?

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Intentions and Affirmations

When we replace the negative with something positive, we feel better. When we feel better we look for other things in our life that make us feel good instead of focusing on what we don’t want.

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We choose every day how we show up. And we can choose to change how we do that every day. What will you choose today?

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Take Nothing Personally

What we project is what we are feeling inside. People that are critical towards others have a very critical inner voice.

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Word of the year

My word for 2021 is Connection. I’m so excited to see all the places that connection shows up for me! What’s your word for 2021?

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Selling Out

What if we took a moment to look at some of the beliefs and practices that we’ve adopted as our own that don’t really resonate with us?

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My Why

It’s a great time to check in with the big ‘whys’ in your life, especially if you’re feeling uninspired by things you’re doing.

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