Where is the Love?

People who grew up being loved and knowing they were loved, learn to love themselves, while people who are denied love or don’t feel loved, don’t know how love themselves and don’t feel worthy of love. For those that didn’t feel loved, it is difficult to accept love because they don’t believe it’s authentic.

Maybe the reason why we’re seeing so much disconnect and challenge in our lives and in the world today is because we don’t feel loved. Maybe we didn’t get the love we needed growing up. In our early years, so much of who we are is formed unconsciously.

How can we know at that young age how to process what we don’t understand?

In our adult years, we tend to just go along and think things are the way they are instead of getting curious about where these beliefs come from. Life starts to happen and the busier we get, the busier we keep ourselves to numb our feelings, which are painful. We medicate, have addictions, spend too much time binging on the computer or television, all to escape the pain we feel. All the time searching frantically for the next thing to give us relief and make us feel better.

What I know for sure is that what I was looking for was not found outside of myself, believe me, I searched for ‘it’ most of my life without even knowing what it was. I searched for something to make me feel worthy and to fill me up, make me happy, make me feel valuable.

Unconsciously, we tell ourselves that if the people that are closest to us don’t love us, we must be unlovable. The truth is that they do/did love us in the only way they knew how, even if it didn’t look or feel like love. They gave us what they had to give. They truly did the best they could do.

Our source of love is not and never was dependent on others. Even though having people we love and that love us is the greatest gift of our lifetime.

Our source of love comes from within, it is our Divine Connection. It is always with us, it never changes. No matter what we do, what we say, or think, that Connection is waiting inside for us to be open to trusting love’s gentle guidance.

I truly believe that much of the pain and suffering in our lives and in the world today is because of our focus on the outside world instead of our inside world.

I truly believe that much of the pain and suffering in our lives and in the world today is because we have forgotten who we are.

We are LOVE. We are Connected. We are one.

When we love ourselves, we send love into the world.

When we change the world changes.

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