What if the chaos brings about a more loving world?

I have a deep knowing the Divine is present in ALL things.
The fear-filled acts we are seeing in our outer world mirror the fear and separation we’re experiencing inside. When these things are no longer denied and hidden they can be healed. We’ve been in denial for a very long time about how we treat each other. Laws are passed, people are punished and we think that will fix the problem. The part we ignore is our part in the problem. What we do, how we react, and how we show up sends out a ripple effect into the world. It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and join in. What do you want to send out into the world?
Hate creates more hate.
Anger creates more anger.
Fear creates more fear.
Empathy creates more empathy and understanding.
Kindness creates more kindness.
Love creates more love.
I have a deep knowing that what we look for we will see more of.
I focus my attention on love and connection. That doesn’t mean other things don’t exist. It means I choose to give my energy to what I want to create. When we become aware of what we give our attention to we have the power to change ourselves and the world.
I have a deep knowing that it is most important to honor how I want to feel.
How do you want to feel, do you think about it? On my journey, I have learned that I have control over how I feel. How I feel is not dependent on outer circumstances, it’s an inside job. No doubt we have times that we’re sad, angry, or hurt, that’s part of life. The key is recognizing we’re not feeling like we want to and choosing something different. Honoring how I want to feel keeps me from getting caught up in chaos and spreading it.
I have a deep knowing that we will find our way through this time coming out kinder, more thoughtful, generous, loving people.
We are one. When we stay out of judgment of ourselves and others we experience that oneness. When we focus on our commonalities instead of our differences we experience oneness. When we practice empathy we experience connection and oneness. The way this story gets written is up to ALL of us. What if we unite and accept instead of taking sides and judging? What if the story told about this time is how humanity came together and learned to appreciate and honor our differences. It’s time to focus on healing instead of who is right and who is wrong.
Will you be part of the problem or part of the solution…you can’t be both. Love or fear, which will it be?
I have a deep knowing that when we change the world changes.
When we change the world changes.

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When we change the world changes.