Wanting life to be different than it is causes us pain

Wanting people to be different than they are causes us pain.
Living in pain causes us to do and say things that we don’t mean or want to say. It leaves us with regrets and guilt for offloading our emotions onto others. And it’s usually our loved ones, the ones closest to us, that we do that to.
ACCEPTANCE is a word that’s been coming up a lot lately in my world.
Acceptance is a tricky thing. On the one hand we think if we accept something that we’re saying we agree with it or we’re condoning it.
That isn’t necessarily true.
When we meet anything with resistance, we are fighting against it. AND…
What we resist persists.
It’s the energy of pushing against that keeps the fight going.
Remember that acceptance does not mean that we agree or even think something is okay.
It means that we choose not to use our energy to fight against it.
It means that we surrender the need for situations and people to be different than they are.
It means that we are choosing our own peace over something we can’t control.
It means we are trusting the process.
This week let’s look at the places in our lives that we feel resistance to forgive, change, or accept something or someone.
What comes to your mind first? Go with that, even if you think it doesn’t make sense to you or that it seems irrelevant to unwind.
When we get quiet, trust what comes up for us, and write from our hearts, our subconscious can reveal what’s hidden and ready for release.
Our Higher Self has the answers.
Start writing about your resistance to it freely, without looking at sentence structure, spelling, etc. Just pour out everything that comes up.
Then write the word “ACCEPTANCE” and write about what acceptance of the person or situation might look like.
Remember that acceptance does not mean that we agree or even think something is okay.
It means that we choose not to use our energy to fight against it.
It means that we surrender the need for situations and people to be different than they are.
It means we choose ourselves and our need to resolve the energy around things we’re fighting against over being right or proving others wrong.
When we change the world changes.

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