Taking responsibility

I went to Phoenix to attend a class last week. It was a Mind, Body, Spirit, Practitioner Certification Course. It was the second time I took the course, and it gave me new insights into my life.

For me, the overall theme of the class ended up being ‘personal responsibility’.

We are responsible for our minds.

We are in charge of what we think, how much time we spend obsessing over things that don’t serve us. We have the power to change our minds at any time. I’m not saying that’s easy– it for sure isn’t. I’m saying it’s possible and so rewarding.

When we take responsibility for our thoughts, our world changes. We are no longer the victim of our critical voice and that frees us from criticizing others.

We are responsible for our bodies.

We are responsible for keeping our bodies healthy by eating nutritious food, getting plenty of rest, exercising regularly, and drinking plenty of water.

We are also liable for our emotions.

When we stuff down emotions and refuse to feel them and work through them, they will likely erupt. Sometimes on an innocent bystander who just happens to trigger what we had inside to the point that it exploded. Hear me, they didn’t make you frustrated or angry, you already had that in you, and it needed to come out. The body can hold only so much emotion before it becomes illness or disease.

We are responsible for our Spirits.

Connection is always available to us. We choose to block that Connection for many reasons, we don’t trust, think we can do it on our own, think we know everything. (These were a few of my reasons) We were never meant to do this life on our own. We have Guidance inside that waits for us to ask, trust, and be open to receive in the way it comes, not in the way we thought it should come.

Personal responsibility keeps us from blaming others and allows us to look at our part in the story. It keeps us from living in victim mentality.

Personal responsibility allows us to be conscious of what we are putting out into the world.

I invite you to think about how the world might change if we all took personal responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions and stopped blaming others for what we have inside.

Check out this post I shared on Facebook this week:

When we change the world changes.

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