How does it feel to you when you think about surrender? Does it feel like giving up? Or does it feel like stepping aside?
I used to think that surrendering meant giving up. Giving up means we are done; we have resigned ourselves to failure. Surrender is letting go of control, stepping aside so the Universe can work its magic. Surrender allows us to take our power back from people or situations we have expectations around. Do you ever think someone or something should be a certain way and spend hours and days wishing things would be different so life would go smoothly? Raise your hand if you’re a control freak or recovering control freak like me.
I used to think I knew all the answers. I did, from my very limited perspective. It was easy to look around and think I knew the easiest and best solution for myself and every person and situation in my life. Still with me?
What I’ve learned is that I can surrender and not give up. When I put down my expectations and get out of my own way I begin to feel freedom. It is a knowing that there is a power greater than me that has infinite wisdom. This infinite wisdom is unlimited when we get quiet and are open to it.
I remember years ago experiencing surrender in a life-changing way. I looked up and said ‘I don’t know what to do, for the first time in my life I don’t know what to do.’ Other times I had asked for answers or prayed for things to be how I wanted them to be, but this time was different. I stepped aside and was guided in ways that I could never have come up with myself. Ideas and opportunities came with grace and ease. It was magical and at the same time was one of the hardest times of my life.
That’s what surrender is. We can surrender and not give up. Giving up would have meant staying in the place I was. Surrendering brought infinite wisdom and opportunities for growth.
Surrender is knowing I don’t have all the answers and that’s ok.
Surrender is trusting in a Power greater than myself that has infinite wisdom and resources.
Surrender is knowing everything happens for me and there are blessings in all situations.
When we change the world changes.
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When we change the world changes.