Please shield me from any energy that is not healthy for me

I have learned how important it is to pay attention to how I feel.

We are in situations all day long where we can pick up other people’s energy. We might start the day off feeling great and as soon as we look at our phone, get in the car to drive to work, or walk into work and see that coworker that is always in the ‘everything is awful’, we start to feel frustration, anger, or various other emotions that we weren’t experiencing just a few minutes prior to the encounter. Then you begin to feel scattered and have a hard time concentrating and getting your things done.

Does this ever happen to you?

Paying attention to and maintaining my energy has helped me make big changes in my life and has never been more necessary than it is right now.

Learning to be present and aware of how I’m feeling at any moment keeps me from absorbing other people’s energy and holding it in my body.

What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. Buddha

We are more powerful than we realize. We are in charge of our lives.

Our lives change in miraculous ways as we become aware of our energy and use it intentionally to create the lives we desire.

Being responsible and intentional with our energy makes us powerful creators. We’ve given our power away for far too long to people and situations that are not in alignment with who we are, just to fit in, please others, and keep the peace.

I was hesitant in the beginning to make these changes in my life thinking that it would mean I wasn’t caring for people in my life. I thought putting my needs first was selfish.

What I can tell you without hesitation is that I have found more compassion for myself and because of that I have more compassion and understanding for others.

I would love to help you through the process of taking your energy back from what isn’t in alignment with you. Reach out!

Here are a few practices I use to help maintain my energy:

  1. Start every day with meditation. Even if you only have a few minutes, be committed to yourself. Every morning, I visualize myself in a clear bubble. This bubble is meant to keep me aware of my energy and where I give it away, especially to things that aren’t serving me.I don’t visualize this bubble to keep people out. I love connecting with others.                        I want to observe other’s energy, not absorb it.
  2. Say no to going into stressful environments when you can. Don’t volunteer to go to or do things that drain you just to please someone else. Honor your needs.
  3. Keep your distance from energy suckers. You’re not obligated to take on other’s negative energy. Remember observe not absorb.
  4. Gratitude is the fastest way to change your energy. Find what you’re grateful for, no matter how small it may seem.
  5. Be the observer, not the absorber. I know, I have mentioned that several times in this post; it’s that important. We can witness how others are showing up without taking on their energy or judging them, telling them or telling them that they’re wrong.

When we change the world changes.

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