My wish for you this Holiday Season

My wish for you this Holiday Season (and always).
May you feel alive with joy.
May you feel heard.
May you feel seen.
May you feel valued.
May you feel nurtured.
May you feel blessed.
May you feel safe.
May you feel happy.
May you feel supported.
May you feel peace.
May you feel abundant.
May you feel free.
May you feel calm.
May you feel worthy.
May you feel that you’re enough.
May you feel acceptance.
May you feel love, loving, and loved.
I wish for you to know that all these are inside you.
They are readily available to you.
And mostly not dependent on others to bestow on you.
May you be the one that gives yourself what you need the most.
What we need is inside us, we can access it always. Go within.
Love and Blessings to you!
When we change the world changes.

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