Living with purpose

Do you get overwhelmed thinking about what your purpose is?

There have been times in my life I felt like I wasn’t living my purpose.

I thought my purpose was always something bigger than I was doing.

When I was young, I thought I had to change the world, and I thought I had to do it by myself. I would worry about all the starving children and homeless people. I would dream about how I could fix it all.

As I grew older, it seemed impossible, so I gave up. I thought there was nothing I could do.

What I’ve come to realize is that we don’t always have one purpose. We can live with purpose in everything we do.

I do believe that when we do simple things like smile at a stranger, let someone get in line in front of us, hold the door for someone, look people in the eyes when we talk to them, do kind acts, that we’re living with purpose. Many of these acts come naturally.

I also believe that the energy we put out into the world has a great effect on the world.

The ripple effect of our energy goes further than we will ever know. What we do, what we say, what we think, and how we treat ourselves and others matters. We may never know the effects of our kindness.

While it seems that every day there is more for us to be concerned about in the world, getting into frustration, fear, and even hatred is not the energy we want to put out into the world.

Choosing to focus on living with purpose does not mean that you’re ignoring what’s going on around you. It means that you are consciously choosing where you want to focus your attention.

Energy flows where attention goes.

Where will you choose to focus your attention?

I believe that we all have a part in changing the world.

When we become responsible for putting out into the world what we wish to see in the world, we will see a kinder, gentler, more loving world. A world where we use our resources to help others. I can’t feed all the starving children, but I can volunteer at soup kitchens and give haircuts at homeless shelters.

I know I am changing the world by making changes in myself and being conscious of what I’m putting into the world and that’s where I’m finding purpose.

When we change the world changes.

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