How are you at staying aligned and centered?
How are you at staying aligned and centered?
How do you know when you’re not?
I used to have no idea what that meant. Feeling bad or out of alignment was my normal. It was a time when I reacted to everything. Any time that someone close to me said or did something I didn’t like, it triggered me. Meaning that I reacted, mostly by yelling and getting pissed. I would blow up and yell and blame them for my outburst. If they hadn’t done what they did I wouldn’t be upset. That’s what I thought at the time. I was spending all my time jumping from one trigger to the next instead of taking care of my emotions and it took a toll. I was exhausted and didn’t know why. I thought if everything in my life would just be the way I wanted it, then I could be happy. Maybe you occasionally feel this way?
Being aligned with who we are at our core brings us joy. Being true to ourselves no matter what someone else says or does keeps us aligned. When our happiness is dependent on the way others behave or what they say we give our power away. We let ourselves be controlled by people or circumstances, and that doesn’t feel good. When we don’t feel good we react, then we feel bad about our reaction. This behavior kept me stuck blaming others and in a cycle of self-loathing for many years. If you’re still with me, maybe you understand what I’m talking about, maybe you know somebody…
Triggers are in our lives to show us where we’re not showing up authentically. They provide us with an opportunity to look at what is underneath our reaction. I ask myself, ‘What is this emotion about? Why am I feeling this way?’ When I realize that the emotion I’m feeling is giving me a clue to something that is out of alignment for me and has nothing to do with another person or situation, I have the power to respond instead of reacting. I can be true to myself and stay centered. It has taken time and practice – and believe me, I’m still getting a lot of practice these days – to stay out of reaction mode.
When we change the world changes.
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When we change the world changes.
I love this. It is so easy to react, so easy to blame others.