Have you ever been to a retreat?

Have you ever been to a retreat?
I love to go on retreats. I have experienced exponential growth and expansion after attending spiritual retreats and I want to share that with others.
It isn’t often that we take time to connect with ourselves, spending time looking inward.
When you go somewhere and are disconnected from your normal life, you can get quiet and hear the whispers of your heart.
I recently hosted my first personal retreat in our home. It was amazing to witness the changes in my guest as she navigated emotions and had some aha realizations.

Here’s what we did in our time together:
We started Friday at four with a Reiki session then journaling and reflection time.
Dinner out.
I had planned a journaling session around the fire pit, but the weather was cold and windy, so we watched a documentary called “Heal” about the power of the body to heal itself. I highly recommend it.
Saturday started with a light breakfast then a trip to the float spa. If you haven’t done a float, I recommend it.
We then went on a hike at a state park in a wooded area. Being in nature is healing.
We had lunch at a small out of the way place near the trail we hiked.
Followed by a trip to a metaphysical supply store to check out some books and crystals for grounding.
Next, we headed back to my home with two hours to rest, journal, and get ready for dinner. Then out to dinner.
Back at home we spent a little time going over a few things and did a meditation.

The next morning was a light breakfast. Then we talked about the importance of grounding and practiced a meditation to help with that.
We wrapped up going over all we talked about and answering questions that came up. I sent her homework and affirmations to help anchor in the lessons. And she continues to have monthly mentoring calls with me.
“I have made so many life changes and have healed so much with Judy’s help. The growth I have had is priceless. There are things I’ve healed that I didn’t realize I needed to heal.”
We have the answers inside; we just need someone to light the way so we can find them. It is an honor to witness others find their truth.
Reach out if you are interested in a personal retreat. I have many options available for overnight or day retreats. I will customize one for you based on your needs.
Remember to check out my mentoring opportunities on my website.
When we change the world changes.

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