Give your energy to what you want to see

What if the person that triggers us is showing us where to look inside for a part of us that needs healing or love? It might be a hurt that we’re holding from long ago.

People really can’t make us feel a certain way.

Do you agree with that?

We say that someone made us angry or upset because of something they said, however, it might not bother someone else.

Why is that? What causes us to react to certain things or people?

It is something inside us. Maybe a belief we hold about ourselves or others or unfelt emotions that can cause a reaction. Not to mention that the day we’re having can contribute too.

Now more than ever, it seems that we can find something to be upset about in the world at any time. There is so much going on, and it’s all out of our control.

The challenging part is being pulled in so many different directions, not knowing what to believe or how to feel.

There are plenty of influences around us that we can give our attention to.

What we often forget is how powerful we are when we stay centered, grounded, and looking inward. When we become the observer of things going on instead of the absorber that reacts to things going on.

As the observer, we get curious instead of judging how someone or something should or shouldn’t be.

As the absorber, we take on emotions. Oftentimes the same emotion that we’re fighting against.

I love Mother Teresa’s quote:

“I will never participate in anti-war demonstrations, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.”

Mother Teresa knew to go against something was using the same energy as the problem and solutions aren’t found in the energy of the problem.

Giving our energy to what we want to see is a powerful practice. It is a moment-by-moment decision.

Staying centered comes through practice, consistency, and commitment.

Meditation, journaling, visualization, prayer, time in nature, yoga, and many other practices can help us stay connected to ourselves and centered.

I believe it’s more important now than ever to trust our Inner Guidance and cultivate our relationship with ourselves.

Coming soon! I’ll be sharing about upcoming events on intuition, journaling, and more!

When we change the world changes.

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