Feeling your Feelings

I’m realizing that I’ve been stuffing the pain I’m feeling about everything going on in our world. I’ve stuffed it in my file of “I don’t have a right to feel the pain with so many others directly affected and having suffered for generations.” I’ve been frustrated thinking about what I can do to “fix” things. Yep, I’m a recovering “fixer” from way back. Nothing seems like enough to help. Getting stuck in this pain prevents me from experiencing the gift of healing it is meant to bring.
Why can’t we all just get along, stop judging, appreciate our differences and learn from each other? That’s what my mind says while my heart tells me that the pain of fear and sadness can lead humanity to healing. That pain shows us what we need to heal. Humanity is at a turning point. The pain of separation has become too much to bear and is showing up in the most blatant ways to show us to choose love. Love really is a choice. It takes awareness to choose love.
Choosing love means not judging myself or anyone else. For me, that means letting go of how I think things should be or how people should act. Instead, I put my focus on what I can do to make a difference.
Choosing love right now is feeling the pain I’m feeling and releasing it instead of stuffing or denying it and offloading it on someone else. I don’t know about you but I wasn’t taught to feel my feelings. I was taught to stuff them and get over it. Along the way that lead to them coming out sideways usually at my kids. Feeling our painful emotions is not comfortable however feeling gives them validation and permission to be. After sitting in the emotion and journaling all my feelings I can release it and it no longer lives in me.
I will continue to look for ways to be Love and extend Love. I will continue to look for ways to create oneness in the world. I will continue to find ways to serve. I will continue to create the changes in myself that I wish to see in the world and know the ripple effect will change the world.
We are One.
We are enough to change the world.
When we change the world changes.

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When we change the world changes.