Do you have a critical voice?

Do you have a critical voice?

It’s that voice inside that criticizes our thoughts, words, actions, value, intelligence, physical looks and abilities; everything it can notice to find fault with.

When it’s found all of those, it unleashes onto others and situations outside of us.

It’s a voice playing on a constant loop in our mind.

It becomes a part of who we are and aren’t even aware of it.

We start seeing ourselves and the world with critical judgements.

We look for what is wrong instead of what is right.

We become critical.

A part of us starts to believe the critical thoughts while our Spirit is quietly in the background offering us another way to look at things.

Oftentimes the voice is so loud that it drowns out our inner knowing.

When we learn to pay attention to how we feel, we realize that when we’re not aligned with our thoughts; they don’t feel good.

That’s our Spirit telling us to choose something different.

Being critical doesn’t feel good.

We are meant to feel good and be joyful.

So, how do we get rid of that critical voice?

First, it takes awareness. You have to be aware of something to change it.

Then it takes presence. You have to be present to know when you are having unwanted thoughts.

Next is commitment. You have to be committed to changing.

Finally comes consistency. You have to practice, practice, practice.

Remember to CELEBRATE your efforts along the way.

Remember that we have only the amount of compassion to share with others that we have for ourselves.

Join our Critical Voice Challenge!

I invite you to participate in a 5-day Critical Voice Challenge. We begin on Monday, February 7th with a live session at 6 pm central to talk about changing our critical voice. We’ll meet on Facebook, join me on my page: Judy James , or in the Out of Hiding Facebook Group.

Each morning February 8th-12th I will be on a brief Facebook live to give the day’s challenge, answer questions, and celebrate our efforts. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments of the video each day.

Join me on Facebook to share, support, and be supported. Being part of a group of others who want to make changes in their lives leads to accountability as well. We all learn and grow when we share and support each other.

Reach out with questions or comments. I would love to hear from you!

When we change the world changes.

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