Decisions, Decisions

How are you at making decisions?

Do you feel pressured to make fast decisions?

Do you put off decisions until the last possible minute?

For the most part, decisions don’t require immediate attention. Sometimes we get overwhelmed and feel pressured to make choices immediately.

When we can remove that sense of urgency, we allow space for reflection on what we know. It gives us a chance to breathe.

I find it helpful to take some quiet time and sit with my options.

I like to make a list of what I know about the situation and what I don’t know.

This is where I used to have a difficult time. I did not like sitting in the indecision, so I made quick decisions. I felt too vulnerable, so to me it was easier to make a decision I might regret and live with it than being in that space, figuring it out. I will say that didn’t always work the best for me.

After I have my list of knowns and unknowns, I ask myself some questions:

What is my intention?

Is this decision urgent?

What else do I need to know?

Then I close my eyes and say aloud or think about each of my options. I pay close attention to how I feel with each one. What is my body telling me? Does it feel good, or do I feel resistance? Your mind might trick you, but your body won’t.

Most importantly, I ask for Guidance, then I stay present so I recognize it in the way it shows up.

Embrace the not knowing.

Get comfortable asking for help.

Focus on the possibilities instead of the unknowns.

When we change the world changes.

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