Critical Voice

Practicing awareness and gratitude helped me believe I was valuable and loved, and then I could extend that to others so they felt valued and loved.

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Love is striving to accept others exactly the way they are right here and now. Wow! How do we do that?

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Remembering that freedom is one of my core values keeps me aligned with who I am. What are your core values and are how are you honoring them? Is freedom one of them?

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Are you choosing to disappoint yourself just so you won’t disappoint someone else?

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Choosing Me

What would change in your life if you chose you? When I put myself first I am happier and have more to give to others.

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Giving up would have meant staying in the place I was. Surrendering brought infinite wisdom and opportunities for growth.

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Being in the cycle of comparison keeps us from feeling good and being happy.

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Who are you fixing?

By trying to fix everyone’s problems, you leave no time or energy to create the life you desire.

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I thought I was going to Peru

When life takes us somewhere other than where we want to go we can dwell on the detour and disappointment, or we can use it to grow and learn. It really is all about the journey.

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