When we listen

Being silent and listening often has more power to heal and connect than our best advice or well-intentioned words.

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I truly believe much of what we’re experiencing in our outer world could be different and feel different to us. What if some of our frustration is driven by our soul’s desire for oneness and freedom?

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Changing the World

How about instead of engaging with others about what we’re against, we talk about what we are for?

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This and/or That?

When we think things have to be this OR that, we limit our possibilities. We determine that someone or something has to be right or wrong, good or bad, true or false.

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Looking Deeper

Gaining a deeper understanding and clarity around what triggers emotions in us helps us know ourselves better.

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How else can I see this?

How can I see this differently?

There are always other ways to look at any situation, no matter how pressing it is. Ask yourself, how else can I see this?

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