Hi! I'm Judy.
I’m passionate about guiding, inspiring, and empowering individuals to embrace their true essence and overcome limiting beliefs, so they can live in the freedom of a life deeply connected to themselves, mind, body, and spirit.
I am a:
Reiki Master
Coauthor of the 52 Weeks of Gratitude Journal
I’m passionate about:
Volunteering by giving haircuts at homeless shelters
I'm available for speaking opportunities.
I believe:
The love and connection that we long for and are worthy of is inside us.
We are more powerful than we know.
Love is the answer.
When we change the world changes.
Where You Place Your Attention, You Place Your Power
What if you want to remember that life is beautiful, that this planet is a miracle, and that peace is possible?
Pain is Your Guide—Are You Listening?
When we experience discomfort—whether it’s physical pain, emotional triggers, or a sense of unease, it’s a signal that something within us is out of alignment.
Belonging to Myself: Releasing the Need to Fit In
When we release the need to fit in, we create space for genuine connection.