A few things I’ve learned along the way
For the next few weeks, I will be sharing some things that I have found to be true for me. I invite you to read them and spend some time reflecting on what they hold for you. Take a few minutes to write your findings, they might just surprise you.
Our real work is to become what our soul is calling us to be and fulfill that. There is no one else like you, no one that’s had the experiences in their life that you have. We’re here to BE that and do what lights us up, then share that with others.
Being you is much more important than what you do. We must take the time to know who we are and why we’re here. Self-awareness and being connected to our inner guidance our intuition helps us find the way.
There are a few very pivotal times that stand out in my life where I have been in the flow and absolute trust. I can tell you that during that time, magic unfolded in ways that I could have never made happen on my own.
I look back on times in my life that were full of struggle and know that happened because I ignored what I knew to be true. I turned away from my intuition from my guidance. I made my life complicated and messy.
We want to be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions. What we put out into the world will come back to us. Our intentions propel our actions. Our intention behind our actions determines the result, reaction, and consequence of everything we do. That’s why being fully clear on our intention is so important.
How we live our life is one of our greatest teachers. Pay attention to your life, pay attention to how you feel; everything is teaching us about ourselves. Pause and take inventory of the different parts of your life on a regular basis. Give attention to the areas that need it.
When we allow our wounds to become wisdom we grow and expand.
We become what we believe. Tell yourself what you need to hear, don’t wait on someone else to validate you. We all have bumps in the road. Know that you are not defined by your bump in the road. Those bumps are just reminders to pay attention and change our direction, that’s all.
Share something you have found to be true in your life.
When we change the world changes.
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