After My Camino

I’m not sure where to start as I sit here with so many feelings I haven’t found words for. Processing this experience will take some time.

Each morning since I completed my journey on the Camino, I find myself in tears, which is unusual for me.

I’ve heard many people say they could never do the Camino.

I thought that too. I’m still not sure how I did it.                 

What I do know is that it was as much about changes Spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, as it was physically.

I did good each day until after about 10 miles. Then the pain and weariness set in. That was the point that my body, especially my feet and hip would start complaining. Soon after, I followed mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Why the hell did I want to do this?

I’m feeling like I am not equipped to do this.

Why is this so challenging…. why don’t you make this easy?

A quiet voice whispered to me as I was feeling sorry for myself.

You have a choice, you know. You can stay here in the pain, or you can release the pain and choose to be present and feel empowered, joyful, supported, and loved. Both are true, you can choose whatever feels better to you.

I love the Divine perfect timing of Spirit. I needed that reminder at that moment. I know the truth of how powerful it is to focus my attention on what I want instead of what I don’t want.

With each step I began to say I release this pain to the Camino, and each step became filled with the intention to focus on the love, support, joy, and the magic of the Camino.

There is a saying on the Camino:

The Camino provides.

We reminded each other of this often and shared stories of how the Camino provided just what we needed. Most of the time we didn’t realize we needed it.

Being present mind, body, spirit, and emotion was one of my biggest lessons of the Camino.

Being present with myself, releasing the pain and being open to receive the gifts the pain brought me made me stronger.

It wasn’t as much about the steps I took as the intention with which I took each step.

I continue to be present as I’m getting into my routine. Being in the present moment brings many things to be grateful for. We miss the magic of the Universe when we’re not present.

Next week I’ll share about another beautiful takeaway from my Camino.

When we change the world changes.

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  1. Rosie Geiser on September 29, 2024 at 7:13 pm

    Sounds like a wonderfully inspiring and spirit filled journey!! Thanks for sharing your many lessons!

  2. Connie on October 3, 2024 at 3:31 pm

    Thanks for sharing Judy. I am so happy for all of you. ❤️🌹