Our journey might not look like we thought it should
I tend to be a planner. Are you?
I like to know what is going to happen, how it will happen, and when it will happen and then have a backup plan… or two.
It might even at times be more like controlling than planning. Can you relate?
I used to think that the path to what I wanted to create in my life was a straight line from where I was to where I wanted to be.
The Universe has a different way of doing things and it’s always in Divine Time.
Trusting that has been an ongoing process.
I’m always humbled by the wisdom in the order of events that have to be orchestrated in order for things in our lives to come together.
I’ve talked and written about the ways the Universe delivers more than I asked for in unexpected ways.
We don’t have to worry about the how and when. Our job is knowing what we want to create in our lives and trusting our guidance that comes in the form of inspired action.
I’ve thought about the frustration and anguish I could have saved myself by being patient and trusting that the Universe always has my best interests in mind. What’s best for me hasn’t always been my first choice or made me happy. Maybe that’s where the frustration came from?
I’m learning to be more patient and trust the process. Part of that process is me being ready to handle what I’m asking for. Sometimes the Universe saves us from ourselves (thank you for unanswered prayers) and sometimes a challenging situation is the best thing for our growth.
The Universe knows the bigger picture and time doesn’t exist in the Spirit world, only here.
It seems to take a while for all the pieces to come together and for us to see that everything that happens has purpose in our journey. Even the challenges, sometimes especially the challenges and twists and turns our path takes.
So, the next time you think things aren’t happening fast enough, remember that the Universe is getting things aligned for your highest and greatest good all in Divine Time.
When we change the world changes.

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