
My life flows with grace and ease.

I hope you were able to participate in our Critical Voice Challenge last week. I believe if you did that you gained some insight into aspects of yourself that you weren’t unaware of.

Getting rid of those unwanted aspects brings us space in our lives to expand and experience something different. I like to think that the unwanted facets are replaced with what feels like a reward. When we clear out criticism, we have room for compassion. Compassion feels so much better than criticism.

When we live in the compassion, then we experience grace. Grace is challenging to explain, I think we just have to feel it to understand it and realize what it is.

Here’s what I have found grace to be in my life.

Grace is that quiet whisper that tells me to keep my mouth shut and not share the hurtful or sarcastic comment I want to say in that moment. When I listen to that voice and hold back my comment, as the conversation goes on, I find out something that I didn’t know earlier, something that changes how I feel about the situation, and I am so very grateful for keeping my mouth shut. That is grace.

Grace is given to us when we need it the most.

Grace is the guidance that I have to extend kindness to someone that I wouldn’t ordinarily think about. To smile at that person who looks stressed or frustrated.

Grace is the guidance to call or text someone even though I didn’t know why.

Grace happens when we surrender our resistance to follow our inner knowing.

Grace happens when we are open to receive despite our feelings of not deserving it because we made mistakes in our life.

Grace is easy to miss when we’re preoccupied and not present.

Grace is a warm, loving, kind presence that comes when we least expect it.

Grace is a way of living our lives.

When we change the world changes.

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